Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy 6 months Christian!! (picture explosion!)

My little guy is 6 months old today!!  To remind myself how time flies, here is a look back at the last 6 months and all of his firsts.

First minutes, and first words of comfort from Mommy.

First hour
First Katie kiss

First photo shoot

First trip to the pool (for Katie's swim team practice at 4 days old)

First tummy time

1 Month
First bath

First time contemplating the mysteries of the universe.

First stroller ride with sissy at the helm.

2 Months 
First smiles

First geek picture

First sleepy looks

3 Months

First pass out on the floor giving Mommy a blessed break from the screaming (pre milk-free)

4 Months

First play times sitting up

First plane trip (Raleigh to Phoenix for Uncle Dave's wedding!)

5 Months

First solids

First Halloween costume (puppy dog)

6 Months
First tuxedo!
First book!


My talkative baby

The new sounds Christian is making. :)