We headed off to DC right after a lunch of PB and J made from the hotel breakfast (yes, I am a cheapskate, I learned from the best). The hotel we stayed at in Maryland was very nice. It had comfortable beds, a decent breakfast, good service, no charge for parking, and a free shuttle to the metro station. It didn't even cost an arm and a leg. It was kind of a long train ride but easily worth the $100+ I saved.
Getting to the National Mall was a bit of an experience. First of all, we had to take the metro. Katie has never been on a subway before and she is very sensitive to loud noises. I warned her that the subway might be loud since it was underground. My warning, combined with a senses overload of new things, combined to give her a sudden horrible fear of the escalator. She has ridden escalators at home in the mall but suddenly, going down and up to ride a train was too much. She was hysterical: screaming, crying, wouldn't move (despite traffic behind us!) hysterical. She had to be picked up and carried for the first few feet and then I was able to put her down for the rest of the ride. After the 5th ride, she finally got on and off the escalator only holding my hand like her life depended on it, "And I WASN'T even AFRAID!" Now she's a professional commuter.

After getting in town, we walked from the Smithsonian station all the way to the Lincoln Memorial and back. With short legs. In 99 degree heat and a LOT of humidity. This was her at the end of the day. Unfortunately, we were still a loooong way from the subway station...
More pics from the National Mall tomorrow!
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