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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Katie and Mommy's Big Adventure - National Mall (Picture overload!)

As promised!

In honor of my grandfather, who fought in the Atlantic theater during WWII.

First, we started at the Washington Monument.

We had a long walk to the Lincoln Memorial and it was SO HOT!  We had to cool down with a popsicle and a ball.

Of course there was more of this...
...than this.

After a long walk, there were loooots of steps...
But they were worth it to see Mr. Lincoln!
Then we stopped by the Korean War Memorial and patted a police horse before heading back to the metro station. 
This is by far my favorite pic of the day.

Good night Washington...


  1. I loved special mom time when I was a kid. You and Katie will look back on this trip time and time again with smiles on your faces! It looks like you hit all the great spots in Washington. I have yet to tour our capital. i on;y get to drive through. kristin bigham

  2. I love, love, love these pictures. It is great that you and Katie had this experience. I have many happy memories of travels with my mom and other relatives. Granny Marcia
