Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers
Lilypie Third Birthday tickers

Saturday, May 25, 2013

2nd Birthday Celebration!

Last Sunday was the day we celebrated two years since Christian joined our family and it has been an amazing two years!  Per our family tradition, we started the morning with fresh muffins and candles.



Today we celebrated his birthday with a party in the backyard.  Although it was a holiday weekend and many friends were out of town, we still managed to scare up a few to attend.  The weather was sooooo beautiful and could not have been better.  We hung out in the backyard, played on the play set, played with balls and cars, ate hot dogs and hamburgers and enjoyed relaxing conversation.

Some of my favorite pics from the party:

 The table

 A close up of the cake

Showing off his new birthday shirt.

Playing with friends!

Eating with friends (life is better when they BOTH have big Thomas plates...).  Christian was so funny with Teresa today.  He was having trouble sharing things with her today and at one point I moved him over on the bench so that he would be farther away and, thus, less tempted to take Teresa's plate.  He moved himself right back to the seat next to her.  He also kept running up to her saying, "Hug! Hug!" and giving her a big hug.  It was super cute! :)

Getting ready to cut the cake!

Happy Birthday to you!

Love this one!

Chokit! Chokit! Yummy... :)

1 comment:

  1. These are great pictures! Thanks for sharing this wonderful celebration.
    Granny Marcia
